Friday, March 31, 2006


Ebay Leaves

[4/7/2006 Update: The Ebay module should now work much more smoothly. We're no longer limited to the extent that we were.]

The Squidoo team is experiencing some challenges with the newly introduced Ebay module. Like the Technorati module before it, the module has already become so popular that we've exceeded the number of times we can ping the service in a given day.

Lensmasters using the module -- especially later in the day -- may get API errors indicating such. We're currently working with Ebay to ensure that we're all able to use the Ebay module as often as we'd like to. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we resolve this issue.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Bio Duos

[3/31/06 Update: This is no longer the case. And there's no need to edit or republish! If you were experiencing this, you should see that your bio is now is as it should be.]

Several lensmasters have reported that the text of their bios is somehow duplicating in the About the Lensmaster section of their lenses. We hope to repair that unnecessary doubling up soon.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Text Module Mayhem

[4/12/06 Update: This module should once again support basic HTML. You might need to resave or republish.]

Because of a problem with the editor we'd selected, the text module no longer supports any HTML. Any HTML -- including links -- lensmasters included in text modules will no longer display correctly. We hope to reintroduce basic HTML support in the near future.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Lesser Text Lists

[4/12/06 Update: This should be working better now.]

Right now, the text list module isn't working very well. If you make a list, save it, edit it -- or basically do anything with it -- the content of the list will be lost. We're working on that and hope to make it more stable soon!

Friday, March 10, 2006


Technorati Take Down

[3/17/06 Update: We recently rentroduced the Technorati module.]

Not only is the Technorati module not working, we've decided to remove it from the mix and reintroduce it at a later date. So if you can't find it in the Module Picker, worry not: It shall return.


Improving Images

Several lensmasters have reported difficulty uploading photos to the text module. While an image might not upload on the first attempt, a second attempt usually works. We'll address this inconsistency soon.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Stray Favorites

[4/12/06 Update: This has been repaired for awhile. Apologies for the delayed update!]

Over the weekend, we received several alerts from lensmasters that their favorites -- lenses added to their My Squidoo page -- had disappeared. We're currently looking into why that might have happened and hope to return such lenses to favorite status soon.