Thursday, January 12, 2006


In Search of...

[2/2/2006 Update: Sorry for the delayed news, but search has been working better for some time.]

Because of some back-end work we've been doing, Squidoo's search database has gotten corrupted. Some searches might come back with zero results. We're rebuilding the search database now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Limited Link Lists

[2/2/2006 Update: This should no longer be the case.]

Some lensmasters have alerted us that when creating new Link List Modules, they're able to add just one link.


That Blasted Bookmarklet

[2/2/2006 Update: The Bookmarklet should work much better now.]

The Bookmarklet tool -- with which lensmasters can add links to their lenses -- is experiencing some technical difficulties.


Reorganization Chart

Lensmasters have recently reported that they're having trouble sorting items within modules -- and modules within lenses. The drag and drop approach might not work every time, but it seems that the use of the relocation arrows (with which lensmasters can move modules up and down one slot) works pretty well.


Improving Our Images

[2/2/2006 Update: Uploading images seems to be working much more consistently now.]

We're also returning to some challenges related to uploading and displaying images. If you can't upload or display photos in your text modules, we're working on making that work more consistently.


Duplication Situation

A previously reported and repaired issue -- module duplication -- might be happening again. At least one lensmaster has experienced a module being inserted into a lens more than once. This has happened in the Edit view, and not in the Published view that's visible to readers.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Downtime: Sunday 3 p.m. EST

Squidoo will be down for a very short while this afternoon. We're working on a few important server improvements.

Thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Confirmation Frustration

[1/12/2006 Update: The new lens confirmation process should now work more easily.]

Lensmasters have also recently reported difficulty confirming new lenses. After entering the security word we use to ensure a person is building a lens, the browser hangs... and the lens isn't confirmed. When lensmasters return, they're prompted to confirm the lens again. We've made this a top priority.


Introduction Interruption

[1/9/2006 Update: Some lensmasters who couldn't edit their Introduction modules could not do so because of a stylesheet issue that we've now fixed. If anyone encounters this again, let us know.]

Lensmasters who use Firefox may experience some difficulty editing the Introduction module in a lens. Right now, photos can be uploaded -- and will display -- but some Firefox users have reported being unable to add text. (We've experienced this ourselves.)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


In Search of...

While searching for lenses, occasionally search results pages indicate that there are more lenses than those reflected on the results page -- without including a Next or More link to see the rest of the results. We'll add that in the future.